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Income Tax Calculator

Basic Information

These set of screens will collect some basic data to help calculate your taxes for selected year
The final output will be a comparison of the tax computations under the Old Regime and the New Regime

Financial Year

Your age

Income Details

Loss from House Property

Property 1

Property 2

Tax Computations

Old Regime

Section 1 - Income Details
Gross Income from Salary ₹ 0
Income from Bank Interest ₹ 0
Any other Income / Taxable Super Annuation ₹ 0
Employer's Contribution to NPS - 80CCD(2) ₹ 0
Less - Exemptions u/s 10 ₹ 0
Less - Standard Deduction ₹ 0
Less - Profession Tax ₹ 0
Net Income [A] ₹ 0
Section 2 - Loss from House Property
Property 1 (Self-Occupied)
Less - Interest Paid on Housing Loan ₹ 0
Property 2 (Self-Occupied)
Less - Interest Paid on Housing Loan ₹ 0
Net Loss form House Property [B] ₹ 0
Section 3 - Deductions
Less - Deductions - 80C ₹ 0
Less - Contribution to NPS - 80CCD(1b) ₹ 0
Less - Health Insurance Premium - 80D ₹ 0
Less - Employer Contribution to NPS - 80CCD(2) ₹ 0
Less - Deductions on Interest Income - 80TTA ₹ 0
Less - Other Deductions (80DDB, 80E, etc.) ₹ 0
Total Deductions [C] ₹ 0
Section 4 - Tax Workings
Net Income [A] ₹ 0
Less - Net Loss from House Property [B] ₹ 0
Less - Total Deductions [C] ₹ 0
Taxable Income [A-B-C] ₹ 0
Basic Tax ₹ 0
Surcharge ₹ 0
Education Cess ₹ 0
Total Tax Liability ₹ 0

New Regime

Section 1 - Income Details
Gross Income from Salary ₹ 0
Gross Flexi Benefits ₹ 0
Income from Bank Interest ₹ 0
Any other Income / Taxable Super Annuation ₹ 0
Employer's Contribution to NPS - 80CCD(2) ₹ 0
Less - Exemptions on Gross Income ₹ 0
Less - Standard Deduction ₹ 0
Net Income [A] ₹ 0
Section 2 - Loss from House Property
Property 1 (Self-Occupied)
Less - Interest Paid on Housing Loan ₹ 0
Property 2 (Self-Occupied)
Less - Interest Paid on Housing Loan ₹ 0
Net Loss form House Property [B] ₹ 0
Section 3 - Deductions
Less - Employer Contribution to NPS - 80CCD(2) ₹ 0
Less - Deductions on Interest Income - 80TTA ₹ 0
Total Deductions [C] ₹ 0
Section 4 - Tax Workings
Net Income [A] ₹ 0
Less - Net Loss from House Property [B] ₹ 0
Less - Total Deductions [C] ₹ 0
Taxable Income [A-B-C] ₹ 0
Basic Tax ₹ 0
Surcharge ₹ 0
Education Cess ₹ 0
Total Tax Liability ₹ 0